Diversity, Equity & Inclusion


Championing Individuality, Fairness and Inclusivity for All

In our diverse and inclusive environment, every voice is valued, and unique talents are celebrated. At HGS, we take pride in uniting individuals with diverse abilities, hailing from all walks of life, cultures, backgrounds, races, and ethnicities. This showcases our commitment to upholding the values of individuality, equity, and inclusivity for all.

What Our Partners & People Say About
Our Culture of Oneness

I am constantly surrounded by my supportive peers and management .Team HGS deserves all my gratitude!

Process Trainee,HGS India
HGS Creates oppotunities for beginners, nutures talent,and enables everyone to learn and grow, Thank You HGS!

Process Trainee,HGS India
I am grateful for my colleagues and their positive attitude.I sincerely thanks HGS for create quality experiences for everyone.

Process Consultant, HGS India

Introduction to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Our purpose, progressive outlook, and robust values empower our team to excel and 
achieve exceptional client results. Delivering excellence


With Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion embedded in our DNA as core values, we unlock the full spectrum of talent and potential. This vision propels us toward our goal of being universally acknowledged as an Equal Opportunity Employer.


To actively nurture a work environment where collective learning, growth, and thriving are the norm. We progress together while upholding and respecting all our differences.


Our belief is grounded in the understanding that a diverse and inclusive work environment champions equal opportunity. The ecosystem offering unwavering support to all in our community stems from our culture of inclusion.

Celebrating Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
in the Workplace

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Championing Customer Success Through Our People

At HGS, our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion extends beyond our workplace and ripples through society. We firmly believe in the transformative potential of each individual. Our approach empowers all employees, fostering a sense of belonging and contributing to employee retention through inclusive and equitable policies and initiatives.

  • Inclusion of same-sex partners for medical coverage
  • Annual Pride campaigns, messaging, and activities
  • Ally-ship messaging from company leadership
  • LGBTQ+ oriented sensitization sessions
  • LGBTQ+ Employee Resource Group to ensure inclusive policies and practices across locations and geographies
Gender Equity
  • Organizational hiring targets established to ensure balanced gender diversity ratio
  • PathbreakHers program to advance leaders who are women
  • Agrima women’s professional development program
  • Coffee with Leaders sessions
  • Resume maternity connect program
  • Inspire program focused on the personal development of women employees
  • Global Women’s Leadership Network
  • Parenting support sessions
People with Disabilities
  • 150 PwD hired
  • Created process to establish reasonable accommodations for PwD
  • Sensitization of PwD inclusion through 4+ training e-modules
  • Annual celebration and initiatives to mark Internal Sign Language Day and International Persons with Disabilities
  • Additional social programs
  • 1961 Maternity Benefit Act and its amendments
  • 2016 Persons with Disability Act and Rules and its amendments
  • 2017 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Intersex (LGBTI) Act
  • Harmonized guidelines on space and inclusivity of LGBTQ+ and persons with disabilities


Sign language

Sign Language

Diversity & Inclusion at HGS India


Sign language

Sign Language

Diversity & Inclusion at HGS India

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