
Nos dirigeants s’expriment : Izudin

Izudin est chef de l’exploitation chez HGS Canada. Il est avec nous depuis près de cinq ans maintenant. Dans une conversation avec nous, il réfléchit à son épanouissement au sein de l’entreprise et à la façon dont HGS se démarque comme employeur.

HGS : Comment votre cheminement se déroule-t-il jusqu’à présent?

Izudin: It’s been remarkable. I joined here early 2015. I have never worked in a contact centre, so I did not know what to expect. From the moment I stepped into the classroom, all I have experienced has been genuine love and support. From trainers to team leaders to operations managers to my co-workers, everyone has been helpful, encouraging and instilling confidence every step of the way. Because of that, I felt pride in my work and I felt driven to reciprocate by being the best agent I could be, every single day. That resulted in moving from agent to support, team leader, OJT team leader, and finally to operations manager, all in span of less than 3 years.

HGS: What is something your proud to have achieved as a team this past year?

Izudin: Our ability to adapt very quickly. In the past year, market for our Clients’ services and products has endured many changes. Our client responded to those moments by requesting quick and frequent direction changes, to which we responded extremely well, and I may say very successfully. At this point, due to quick adaptation and efficiency, we have been chosen by our client, on multiple occasions, for numbers of pilot programs, which for me confirms their confidence in our abilities.

HGS: According to you, what is the impact of your role?

Izudin: I get inspired by our agents and their drive to provide the best customer service they can. It is very encouraging when an agent comes and asks for assistance with going above and beyond for customers. In my role, I do everything I can to keep that drive and that morale, either by making sure resources are available, best performers are rewarded often, or just by keeping my ear to the ground with simple chats with my agents and team leaders.

HGS: What are some qualities you expect to see in your team members? What would be your message for those looking for a career with HGS?

Izudin: Dedication and positive attitude.  We will provide training, we will provide support, we will provide guidance, and if you provide dedication and a winning attitude, there is no limit to your growth here. My own HGS experience reflects this so clearly.

For people looking out to have a career with us, I’d say, you’re most welcome here. Come and meet the family. Contact centres are such unique environments where bonds between people is very strong. We will help you every step of the way, and you will feel that every one of us is invested in your success with the organisation.

At HGS, many of our leaders have started on the phones, now handling entire accounts and processes. We are proud of their tenacity and we are excited about our collective growth. Join us to work in a nurturing environment.

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